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How to Keep Cool in the Summer

Thinking about how to keep cool and collected during a hot summer? Hot weather can seriously affect your health and well-being. Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to combat the heat when temperatures soar.

How to keep cool on the move?

To begin with, avoid being in the sun between 11 am and 3 pm – that’s when it’s typically very hot. Either stay indoors or seek out a shady spot outside. Wearing a sunhat can provide some relief if you must be outdoors, helping to prevent both sunburn and overheating.

Simply walking on the shaded side of the street can make a significant difference. And if you typically have a brisk walking style . . . slow down! Brisk walking increases blood flow, which generates heat.

What Food and Drink Keeps You Cool?

Ensure you stay hydrated by consuming liquids, whether it’s an icy cold drink or a hot cuppa! Surprisingly, a study conducted at the University of Ottawa found that sipping a hot drink on a warm day can actually help cool you down – as long as you’re not already sweating. This is because hot beverages stimulate your body’s sweat response (without significantly increasing your core temperature). As a result, sweat evaporates from your skin’s surface, providing a cooling sensation.

And although a couple of beers might help hydrate you, don’t overdo the alcohol! Alcohol dehydrates and makes it harder for your body to regulate its temperature effectively.

Opting for water-rich foods like strawberries, grapes, cucumber, lettuce, apples, and watermelon can also help keep you refreshed and hydrated. Additionally, they are packed with vitamins! Surprisingly, spicy foods can induce sweating, which actually aids in cooling you down.

However, avoid late-night snacks. Eating before bed can raise your core temperature, making it difficult to sleep.

What Clothing Keeps You Cool?

When it comes to clothing, the evidence on whether wearing light or dark colours makes a difference is mixed. But loose, baggy, or flowing fabrics allow cool air to circulate around your body and will help. Look out for natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, bamboo and silk. These fabrics allow moisture to evaporate and don’t trap odours like some synthetic fabrics do.

Avoid polyester, nylon, and lycra. These fabrics don’t allow your skin to breathe and are often used in tight-fitting clothing, making you feel even hotter!

How To Keep Your Home Cool:

Before you open all the windows to cool down, think twice. If it’s hotter outside, you’ll only be releasing the cooler air and letting the heat in! British homes are designed to retain heat and typically have effective insulation, meaning once the heat is inside, it’s difficult to get rid of it.

During the day, keep curtains closed in any rooms that get direct sunlight. In the evening, when the outside air cools, open all the windows – especially in bedrooms – to create a breeze and allow any built-up warm air to escape.

One of the simplest ways to cool down is to use evaporation. Taking a cold shower or a dip in the pool can help you cool down quickly. If a full-body dip isn’t possible, soaking just your hands or feet in cold water can provide rapid relief. Wrists and ankles have many blood vessels close to the skin, so cooling these areas will offer almost immediate relief. If you’re working from home or relaxing in the garden (in a shady spot!), soaking your feet in a tub of cold water can be very refreshing – perhaps even add a few ice cubes!

In the past, people used to place water-filled jars or damp sheets near breezy spots to cool things down. You can even try using a fan to blow air over a bowl of ice or a cool, damp sheet.

However, fans can be hit or miss. They’re effective up to about 35°C (95°F), but above that, they might just circulate hot air, which isn’t helpful and could increase dehydration. Additionally, fans generate some heat themselves!

Looking ahead, it might be time to invest in an air conditioning unit. Modern air conditioners are more energy-efficient and quieter than ever before. In addition to their excellent air cooling capabilities, they also purify the air, which can help alleviate allergies.

Thinking about air conditioning?

If you would like more details on air conditioning, the installation process or a no-obligation quotation, our team are always happy to help! Get it touch to find out about installing air conditioning within your home. We at Matt Grange are experienced heating engineers, based in Stockton on Tees, and provide quality heating and cooling services.