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How to Save Energy During the Winter Months (2021)

UK energy prices are at an all-time high right now. This will make staying warm more difficult. Here are some tips for saving gas and electricity this winter:

  • Keep your boiler in good condition
  • Consider energy-efficient lights
  • Use an AI thermostat


The maintenance of a boiler can reduce gas consumption and prevent breakdowns. Additionally, traditional lighting items can be substituted for low-power devices. A smart device can also automatically heat your home when necessary, saving you energy.

Keep Your Boiler Working

During the winter, people tend to use their boilers more. This calls for regular maintenance. If your boiler breaks down on a day that isn’t convenient for you, you’ll also need boiler repair. Prevent these problems by scheduling an annual boiler service with a Gas Safe registered engineer. In addition, an older boiler uses more energy than a modern A rated boiler because it is less efficient Finally, keep your boiler in good shape through regular servicing.

Switch to Energy-Efficient Lighting

There are more and more energy-consuming devices in your home. Electricity is wasted if appliances are left on standby while chargers are plugged in. You can also waste energy by lighting your Christmas tree. Using low power appliances can assist you in lowering your energy bills. For example, LED lighting uses up to 90% less energy than traditional lighting.

Install an AI Smart Device

As you try to stay warm during winter, increasing the heat to its maximum setting is tempting. However, it is essential to insulate your loft, windows, and doors properly, as most heat is lost through these areas. You can prevent the loss of heat by installing a smart thermostat. Using the information they collect; they adjust the heating as necessary. They can also increase or decrease the temperature as necessary. For example, while you’re sleeping or working.

You can save some money by making these simple changes. Still, the amount of energy you use depends on several other factors.