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Smart Meters – a low down

Smart meters are changing the way customers manage their energy bills. Modern technology is making submitting meter readings easier than ever before. However, there is a lot more to smart meters than just automated readings. We’ve outlined below what smart meters do and how they can improve your home’s energy consumption.

If you have ever forgotten to submit a meter reading on time, and get frustrated when you get sent an ‘estimated’ energy bill, then smart meters are here to help resolve that. Smart meters are being installed across the UK to help ease the burden of meter reading submissions by automatically sending them to your energy provider. Some smart meters can send readings to your supplier every 30 minutes, giving them a truly accurate picture of your energy use.

A key benefit to installing a smart meter is the ability to see in real time how much your energy consumption is costing. If you turn a light on, or turn the thermostat up, you will be able to see on your smart meter what that equates to in terms of energy used and money spent. This new access to information enables customers to get a better understanding as to how much energy costs, giving them more control of their usage. As customers are learning exactly how much it costs them to turn the radiators up, or keep more lights on in the house, many are choosing to amend that behaviour to keep their costs down. This, in turn, is helping households run greener and more energy efficient homes.

Smart meters are also contributing to people running a ‘smart home’ where your meter and other tech installations allow you to run your home more efficiently and cost-effectively. Some smart meters allow you to control your heating and light settings whilst you’re not there. Giving you much more freedom to adjust your home’s settings if your plans change. For example, if you have your heating set to come on at the same time each night, but one night you are delayed coming home – you can delay your heating as well. This avoids you heating an empty home.

If you are considering installing a smart meter contact us to find out more. We can check if your current heating system supports a smart meter and if so, which model would be best for you.